- my mother, who cooked dinner for me
- jianxiong for sending me an sms at midnight and then giving me a card
- shanzhi,theodore, jarrell, koonchong, shoujian and jonlian for the uber bright pink pencil case which we all realised after 5 minutes that it was a terrible eyesore
- koonchong for spanking me 16 times in the ass
- koonchong again for wedge-ing me one time for every year and one more for good luck
- guanlin and derek for treating me to bubble tea (lol)
- zhiming for treating me half of my lunch (haha zhiming, read TREAT, not lend) and spending lunch with me
- 4K for singing me a birthday song in chinese
ok now that i'm 16, lets get back to business.
interclass starts in term2 week 1, and i think in the week alone we would have 3-5 matches already. i would probably miss 4-5 matches, timo and thom hopefully 9 matches. haha if we are doing well they might not have to play at all! the big differences from last year is that its 8 a side instead of 7, so there's lesser space, its on the field, so the pace of the match will be slower, the bounce of the ball lower and it is definitely easier to dribble and pass, so goalscoring is in my opinion easier.
with timo and thom out we would need a new attack. in my opinion, which is as humble as the coffee shop uncle who thinks he owns rafa benitez upside down inside out because he knows hokkien, we should throw that extra man into midfield. so now we play 2-1-3-1, in a similar fashion to roma's attack.
ideally, according to the coffee shop gossip, who should play is as follows.
- jonlian keep
- theo and koonz def
- myself def mid
- kieran timo and shoujian attk mid
- thom strike
or something like that. but as circumstance would dictate, lets guess what a timoless, thomless and seenless 4K is like.
- lian keep
- theo and koonz def
- sagar def mid (haha my answer to sven-goran eriksson's theo walcott)
- kieran hern and shoij attk mid
- jarrell strike
i'm not too sure how this would work, disclaimer time. attk mid means attk mid, in the centre, not as in winger. we dun hv a predator so crosses are useless.
however another option would be to throw in another striker.
- lian keep
- theo and koonz def
- kieran def mid
- hern left wing shoij right wing
- rich and jarrell strike
or another way would be to build the 4[k]ingreatwall (patent pending)
- lian keep
- theo sweep
- daniel koonz brain hern def
- shoij and kieran magician